Foraging in the Wild: Edible Plants and Berries of Lapland’s Forests

Introduction to Foraging in Lapland’s Forests

Foraging in the wild is an age-old practice that connects us to nature and our ancestral roots. In the pristine forests of Lapland, this activity takes on a magical dimension. The region’s untouched landscapes are a treasure trove of edible plants and berries, offering a unique opportunity for those keen on exploring the natural bounty of Lapland’s flora.

Lapland, located in the northernmost part of Finland, is renowned for its breathtaking wilderness. The forests here are rich in biodiversity, making them an ideal spot for foraging enthusiasts. Whether you’re a seasoned forager or a curious beginner, understanding the local flora is essential for a safe and rewarding experience.

In this guide, we will delve into the common edible plants and berries you can find in Lapland’s forests. We will also provide tips on how to identify these wild treasures and ensure your foraging adventure is both safe and enjoyable.

Common Edible Plants of Lapland

Lapland’s forests are home to a variety of edible plants that have been used for centuries by locals. One of the most well-known is the Angelica archangelica, commonly known as wild angelica. This plant is easily identifiable by its large, umbrella-like clusters of greenish-white flowers. Both the stems and roots are edible and can be used in soups, salads, and even as a natural sweetener.

Another notable plant is the Oxyria digyna, or mountain sorrel. This hardy plant thrives in the cold climate of Lapland and is recognised by its heart-shaped leaves. The leaves have a tangy, lemony flavour and are rich in vitamin C, making them a great addition to salads and soups.

Additionally, the forests are abundant with Rumex acetosa, commonly known as common sorrel. This plant is characterised by its arrow-shaped leaves and sour taste. It is often used in traditional Finnish dishes and can be eaten raw or cooked.

Identifying Wild Berries in Lapland

Lapland’s forests are a paradise for berry lovers. One of the most prized finds is the cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus). These golden-orange berries grow in boggy areas and are highly valued for their sweet and tart flavour. They are often used in jams, desserts, and even liqueurs.

Another popular berry is the lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea). These bright red berries grow in clusters on low shrubs and have a tart taste. Lingonberries are a staple in Nordic cuisine and are commonly made into sauces and preserves.

Blueberries (Vaccinium myrtillus) are also abundant in Lapland. These small, dark blue berries are packed with antioxidants and have a sweet flavour. They can be eaten fresh, added to cereals, or used in baking.

Safety Tips for Foraging in the Wild

Foraging in the wild can be a delightful experience, but it is crucial to follow safety guidelines to ensure a successful and safe adventure. First and foremost, always make sure you can positively identify any plant or berry before consuming it. Some wild plants and berries can be toxic, so it is essential to be certain of their identity.

It is also advisable to forage with a guide or someone experienced in identifying edible wild plants and berries. This not only enhances your safety but also enriches your knowledge of Lapland’s flora. Additionally, always forage in areas that are free from pollution and away from roadsides to avoid contamination.

Lastly, respect nature and the local ecosystem. Only take what you need and avoid over-harvesting. This ensures that the natural environment remains sustainable and that others can also enjoy the bounty of Lapland’s forests.


Foraging in Lapland’s forests is a rewarding way to connect with nature and discover the region’s rich biodiversity. From edible plants like wild angelica and mountain sorrel to delicious wild berries such as cloudberries and lingonberries, the forests offer a plethora of natural treasures waiting to be explored.

If you are interested in experiencing the magic of foraging in Lapland, consider booking a tour with Wildmaker Lapland. We offer a range of tours that cater to families and small groups, providing authentic experiences in the heart of nature. Our tours include guided foraging trips, where you can learn from experts and safely explore the edible wonders of Lapland’s forests.

Whether you choose a private tour or a shared accommodation option, our activities are designed to give you a deeper understanding and appreciation of Lapland’s natural beauty. Join us for an unforgettable adventure and discover the true essence of Lapland with Wildmaker Lapland.

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