Lapland Exclusive

Private Winter Week Experience

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Lapland Exclusive - 7 Days

Lapland Exclusive is a private version of our Winter week experience program and is available from December to April. This trip is perfect for experiencing Lapland with your own group of family away from the tourist masses and light pollution. On this tour the minimum number of guests is 3 and the maximum number of guests is 6.  This experience is great for small groups or families who are looking for a relaxing holiday in the magical nature of Lapland. This trip is private for your party only so there will not be other guests.

This tour is a 7-day-long (incl. travel days) holiday week where you get to experience Lapland in the most authentic way. You will stay in a Finnish log cabin with a sauna and fireplace. We will take you out on activities during the days and you will have a chance to see the Northern lights from your doorstep every night


All of these activities below are included in the Lapland Exclusive tour. They are all private so there will not be other participants except you and your party.
The activities mentioned below are all low-level activities: easily approachable and suited for both the young and the old. Some require physical effort, but not too much. All the activities include transportations, lunch and a professional wilderness guide.

Private 15 km Husky Safari

A team of huskies pull you across snowy forests and frozen swamps. The dogs love it as they were born to do it. There is something very magical in exploring the wilderness with a pack of dogs pulling your sled.
You will get your own team of huskies that you are in charge of. I will show you how to drive the team. Basically the dogs do most of the work but you are in charge of their speed and breaking. Don’t worry, it is quite simple. You will share one sled with another person from your group. One will be driving and the other one will be sitting as a passenger. Halfway through the safari you will change places. After the safari you will get to meet some of the dogs and take photos. Later we will warm up by a fire and enjoy lunch.
This husky safari is private for you. On a normal husky safari there can be as many as 12 dogteams at the same time. When one team has a problem the others need to wait. On a private safari it is just us so the quality of the tour is just so much better.
Duration of this activity is about 2,5 hours.
The driver must be over 13 years old.

The safari is approximately 15 km. If you would rather go on a longer or shorter safari or if you want to drive your own sled without sharing please contact before booking.

Husky Safari in Lapland

Northern Lights Evening and Photography

Have you ever seen the Northern lights? At our location way above the arctic circle they are very common. If the sky is clear, you can usually see them approximately every other night. You will be staying far away from the light pollution so your possibility to see the Northern lights will be a lot higher compared to the busier tourist areas in Lapland.
 In fact, if the northern lights are visible, you can just walk outside your cabin to see them. 
When you arrive I will teach you how to predict the northern lights. We will choose a night when we have the best chance for clear skies and good northern lights activity.
In the evening we will gather around a bonfire and prepare Finnish pancakes on the fire. You will learn about the Northern lights and also about other things on the night sky. If we are lucky the northern lights will appear!
There is no light pollution so the night sky looks just amazing with its millions of stars. For some people this is the first time in their life that they see the Milky Way.
It is a powerful experience to witness the northern lights dancing on the sky with the only sound coming from the crackling fire.

The timing of this activity depends on the activity of the northern lights. It will be arranged on the night when there is the best chance to see the Northern lights.
If you have a DSLR camera we will teach you how to take amazing photos of the northern lights!
Please note that the northern lights are a natural phenomenon it is not guaranteed that you will see them.

Northern lights above a forest

Luxury Ice Fishing

Ice fishing is the most Finnish thing you can do in Finland. When you understand ice fishing you have dug very deep into the essence of Finnish people.

The basics are simple. You need a frozen lake. About 5 centimetres of ice is enough to carry you. On a normal winter we have about 60 centimetres in Lapland. To get through the ice you will need an ice drill. Then just a rod and a worm and you are set. You sit on the beautiful frozen lake, enjoy the nature and relax your mind. It is almost like meditation.

There are plenty of different species of fish on the lake. Fish does not get fresher than this, and it never tastes as good as when you have caught it yourself.

Why do we call it Luxury Ice fishing? Its because we go to the best fishing spots with a snowmobile and a sled, we have an amazing spacious ice fishing tent with a wood burning stove that keeps it very warm. You can even fish inside the tent.  That is why the fishing is enjoyable even if there would be a snowstorm outside.

Duration of this activity is approximately 3-4 hours

Ice fishing in Lapland

Reindeer Avenue

Experience a day with a local reindeer herder and learn the basics of reindeer husbandry. 

The local reindeer herder, with an english speaking guide, introduces the modern reindeer husbandry and reindeer feeding,  and tells about the year of reindeer husbandry. You will be taken with a sled pulled by a snowmobile to the feeding place of the reindeer of the local area. They come to eat here every morning from the wilderness and there can be hundreds of reindeer at once. During the tour it is possible to take pictures and walk among the huge pack of reindeer in their natural habitat. After the tour we will enjoy lunch in a 100-years old reindeer herders cabin.

Program suites all ages and does not demand physical activity.

Reindeer herd in Lapland
Reindeer on a reindeer farm

Wilderness Snowshoeing

In the deep snow you can’t walk with your normal shoes. You will sink in and get stuck. With snowshoes you can go anywhere! It is a perfect way to go on an adventure during the winter.
We will go to Pallas-Yllästunturi National Park where you will learn how to use the snowshoes. We will then walk into the wilderness.
The National Park is an ancient mountain chain that millions of years ago was as high as the Alps. What we have left of those mountains are the mystical Pallas fells. You will enjoy the breathtaking views that the national park offers while you learn about the nature and culture of the area.
We will prepare lunch in a small hut around an open fire. From this hut we will start ascending above the tree line to see even more amazing views. If there is someone in your group that is physically not fit enough to ascend the fell it is okay to wait in the hut around the warming fire until we return with the rest.

The duration of this activity is approximately 4-5 hours

Please note that this activity requires some physical effort from the participants.

Snowshoer lying on snow
Snowshoieng in Pallas National Park

Log Cabin Accommodation

You will stay in one of our real Finnish log cabins with a sauna and a fireplace. In the kitchen you have everything you need to cook food.
The cabin is heated with electricity but there is also a fireplace that gives heat and creates a nice and cozy atmosphere.

A log cabin in Finland is not complete without a sauna. Sauna is a very important part of Finnish culture and most of the Finns bathe in a sauna every week. There is a sauna in your cabin so you have a chance to go to sauna everyday. If you are brave enough you can cool off by rolling in the snow.

The nature starts right when you step outside. Put on the snowshoes and go explore the magical forests and frozen lakes and swamps. There is no light pollution so the sky is very clear. If the northern lights are in the sky you can see them from your doorstep. 

There is a wifi in the cabin.


Log cabin in Lapland during winter


Log cabin in Lapland during winter


Log cabin in Lapland during winter
Also included

Your Private Holiday in Lapland Includes

Tour dates for 2024-2025

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We believe that the quality on a private tour is just so much better than on a normal tour, but we don’t want that the cost of the trip to get too expensive for our guests. We have cut down our expenses on this tour by not including breakfast and dinner. We also believe that travellers get more out of their trips abroad by cooking their own food from local ingredients. In your accommodation there is a fully functioning kitchen and you will have a chance to visit a local grocery store everyday.

The price of this trip is:

Lapland Exclusive

2390 /person
  • Wilderness snowshoeing
  • 15km Private Husky Safari
  • Northern Lights evening and photography
  • Luxury ice fishing
  • Reindeer Avenue
  • Accommodation for 6 nights in Log cabin with a sauna and fireplace
  • Transportation to airport, to activities and everyday to grocery store
  • Lunch during the activities
  • Personal guide
  • Thermal clothing (overalls, large mittens, winter shoes, balaclava, hat)
  • Equipment needed for the activities
  • Free use of snowshoes for your entire stay